We shop life insurance & investments for you.
Our McFarlan Rowlands Life Insurance & Investments Department offers a wide range of investment options including:
A Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) is an investment that offers a guaranteed rate of return over a fixed period of time.
Segregated Funds
A Segregated Fund is a type of investment fund that can only be administered by Canadian Insurance Companies. These funds offer certain guarantees that no other investment funds can, such as reimbursement of capital upon death, potential protection from creditors, and bypassing probate fees and other estate cost when paid out to a named beneficiary.
Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)
The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a flexible, registered, general-purpose savings vehicle that allows Canadians to earn tax-free investment income to more easily meet lifetime savings needs. The TFSA compliments existing registered savings plans like the RRSP and RESP.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
An RESP is a special plan that can help you save for a child’s education after secondary school. The government of Canada allows savings to education grow tax free, until a child named in the RESP enrolls in post secondary education.
Call us to discuss the government grant.

Retirement Plans
An important part of anyone’s financial goals and objectives is to have a clear roadmap to how and when they can retire. What will this world look like? Will you be able to retire in comfort and with independence or will you outlive your investments and income? Our experienced team can help paint this picture by providing a comprehensive plan to achieve your goals.
Some retirement planning options we offer include:
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
A legal trust registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and used to save for retirement. RRSP contributions are tax deductible and taxes are deferred until the money is withdrawn.
Life Income Funds & Locked in Retirement Funds (LIF & LIRA)
A Locked-In Retirement Account and the virtually identical Locked-In Retirement Savings Plan (LRSP) are accounts designed to hold locked-in pension funds for former plan members. Funds held inside LIRAs and LRSPs will normally only become available (or unlocked) to holders upon retirement.
At retirement, holders can convert their LIRA/LRSP into Life Income Funds (LIF) or Locked-In Retirement Income Funds (LRIF) which will provide pension income during retirement.
Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
A RRIF is a plan that is designed to provide a steady stream of income during retirement. A specific percentage of the plans assets must be withdrawn each year as income starting at age 71.
Guaranteed, regular income for a selected period of time. Annuities are available in several forms. You will never outlive your money!