Understanding Flood Coverage – Is your home protected?
Floods—the costliest natural disaster in terms of property damage—can be caused by commonplace occurrences such as melting snow and ice, high lake or river levels, heavy rains, and thunderstorms. Last year, 25 communities across the province were forced to declare a state of emergency due to flooding causing a significant […]
Read MoreAs the digital world evolves, so does the risk of cybercrime. Do you have the protection needed for the threats you face?
With the recent increase in working, studying, and entertaining families at home, we are all relying on technology more than ever – but at what risk? With more ways to be online come more opportunities for cybercrimes to occur such as identity theft, hacking, and cyberstalking. We are dedicated to […]
Read MoreMcFarlan Rowlands partners with Quandri: Automated Solutions & Support
Within the past year, the implementation of Quandri has led to a transformative shift within McFarlan Rowlands. As a result of rapid growth over the past five years, both organically and through mergers and acquisitions, we discovered there were new challenges presented to our frontline brokers in terms of managing […]
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