March 3, 2017

150 Years of Insurance

As Canada celebrates 150 years since confederation, Canadian Insurance Top Broker takes a look back at what insurance coverage looked like in 1867. Some, like fire insurance and steamboat & railroad accident coverage, is understandable with the light bulb not being invented until 1879 and boats & trains being a main […]

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December 9, 2016

Before you Drink and Drive…

The Holiday season is upon us which means there will be a lot of people travelling to and from holiday parties, and generally, partaking in more alcohol consumption. Just remember, if you get caught drinking and driving, along with dealing with implications of the law, you’ll need to deal with […]

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February 8, 2013

‘When should I contact my broker?’

To ensure that you are properly rated and that you have disclosed all required information to your insurance company, it is important to review the details of your policy on a regular basis. In order to personalize your policies we need to be aware of changes that may have taken […]

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