You spend a lot of time and energy planning your perfect getaway. So don’t trip up on protecting yourself and your money in the event of a loss or an unforeseen incident.
You may think it is just another expense that you cannot afford, but we ask, what is your luggage worth? Add up the contents in your suitcase and we will bet the value is ten times that of the cost of insurance.
Travel insurance can protect from medical costs in the event of an accident or injury. We are fortunate in Canada to have the luxury of public healthcare, but many countries you travel to will not, and the cost of medical bills can add up quickly.
It can cover disruptions to your trip
In the unfortunate event that your trip is cancelled, travel insurance can help ease the blow by covering pre-paid costs for things like accommodation, transport and car hire, that you cannot recover from any other source (e.g. your tour operator) in the event that you cannot go on your trip.
Ease of Mind
We know what it’s like when something goes wrong. Sometimes you just want to hear a familiar voice, like your mom. Well, your insurance company can be like your mom. Travel insurance can help you in times of emergency, like, for example, if you happen to lose any of your travel documents. We know, sometimes, stuff happens. You get out of a cab in a foreign country and you realize your travel documents aren’t with you. In that case, your insurance company may offer 24-hour emergency services to help you through these tough situations. They will offer the best advice and could even go to the point of contacting local emergency services to help you get back on your feet. Then, you can call your mom to let her know what happened, and tell her you’ve got it covered.
Call us (888-734-8888) to make sure you’re covered on your next vacation!